Movement Is Medicine

Move to feel better and celebrate what your body can do

I have seen, heard, and sometimes even felt that working out is a punishment, yet it’s a more of a beautiful appreciation of self. However, I have been known to find myself in a rut or two. When I do, it is usually the result of one or two things:

1- I haven’t moved my body in a way that feeds my heart happiness 

           OR (okay, okay, sometimes AND)

2- I’ve been eating like sh*t or not eating enough

In order to get back on track I immediately feed my body what she needs and find a way to get moving. Sometimes this is a simple walk with the dog, going up and down the basement stairs, or finding a good song that makes me happy and dancing around.

If I can feel the slump beginning in the morning I try to do what I call my “10 to get moving”. Which, you guessed it, is ten repetitions of ten movements, all are meant to be done without equipment but can obviously be adapted for the gym.  

After this I usually feel a bit better, I’m not feeling invincible or like I’m the most motivated person on Earth, but it helps. When the pitfalls of life start to feel overwhelming any little step forward is still progress.

Please, if/when you choose to do this or any new physical routine consult a professional and be careful of your form! Your body will ask you stop before it screams “I told you not to push us too far!”

All moves have links to video demonstrations 
  • I Love starting with Supermans because it’s a great morning stretch… and I’m in the perfect position to take another five minute snooze.
  • Spider-Man Push-ups might look a bit more complicated and if you want to take this down to a simple push-up that is totally fine. Remember our goal is to move our body!
  • Air Squats are one of the easiest exercises to do, but also one of the easiest to f*ck up. Your form is more important than repetitions.
  • Next is the Reverse Lunge, which is my favorite no equipment move for lower body strength. Ten for each leg is best.
  • Bridges help you build the glutes (and if you accidentally make eye contact with someone while doing this you can also build your list of weird moments to relive at 1AM instead of falling asleep).
  • Leg Lifts are a great way to work your abs and remind yourself how weak your core really is.
  • I add Reverse Crunches for a slight masochistic element since it brings a bit of soreness to even more of the body.
  • Ten Hip Dips on each side for a little oblique work before holding a…
  • Plank for at least 10 seconds, but no more than 60.
  • Boat Pose is a nice slow burn to end on and when your done holding this for 10-60 seconds you can collapse on the floor for another stretch.

Move to the Music

I’ve included my go-to workout playlist as a fun bonus because even if I’m not working out these will get me motivated to move. I usually listen to a lot of hard rock, but there’s just too many of those songs I love in and out of the gym and probably wouldn’t fit into one little graphic… maybe that will be in the next fitness post?

Throw out some of your favorite songs or artists that motivate you to get moving so I can add to my playlist 🙂

Then tell me what your favorite kind of movement is whether it’s dancing, walking, running, lifting, or whatever the heck you love doing!